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  • Outdoor Gear With Compass Whistle Pen - Outdoor Gear With Compass Whistle Pen - Image 1 of 1
  • Outdoor Gear With Compass Whistle Pen Outdoor Gear With Compass Whistle Pen
    Outdoor Gear With Compass Whistle Pen Outdoor Gear With Compass Whistle Pen
  • Outdoor Gear With Compass Whistle Pen Outdoor Gear With Compass Whistle Pen
    Outdoor Gear With Compass Whistle Pen Outdoor Gear With Compass Whistle Pen

Outdoor Gear With Compass Whistle Pen


Lightweight and Portable, made of ultra strong anti-rust aircraft aluminum, equipped with compass, whistle, fire starter, scraper. Keep this tactical multi pen with you and feel safe, great for travelers, hikers, hunters, campers, etc.


Black, Gray, Gold

Price from $8.24 - $13.16

Pricing and Charges
Quantity Price Per Unit 50 -99 $13.16 100 -299 $12.66 300 -499 $10.64 500 -999 $9.74 1000 -2999 $9.26 3000 + $8.24
Imprint Charges Price
Set-up Charge - Laser Engraved